Gen 2:18 Then the LORD God said, "It is not good
that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him." Gen
2:19 Now out of the ground the LORD God
had formed every beast of the field and every bird of the heavens and brought
them to the man to see what he would call them. And whatever the man called
every living creature, that was its name. Gen 2:20 The man gave names to all livestock and to
the birds of the heavens and to every beast of the field. But for Adam there
was not found a helper fit for him.
We have in Gen. 2 a closer look at the creation of man on
day six of the creation week. God has
already made the animals and sexual counterparts for each one but here we see
that when Adam was formed from the ground he did not wake up and find a woman lying
next to him. In fact, this whole section
makes it crystal clear that man is not another animal and that his sexuality
and relationship with his mate is on a completely higher level than that of the
It might look like verses 19-20 are out of place but
actually this is integral to the whole section. It is interesting that in the context of Adam
needing a companion that he is prepared for this by naming the animals. What the Lord is doing is teaching Adam to
appreciate his wife, to see her as a wonderful gift from God. Clearly God took an interest in Adam naming
the animals and it wasn’t just a matter of him arbitrarily naming them. There was a point in all this. Adam was being asked to study the animals as
they went by, noting their differences, similarities, nature and relationships
and name them accordingly. I spent many
enjoyable hours with my dog, playing, hunting and sharing affection, but the
fellowship never rose above that of a dog; we never talked; well, I did but he
just looked at me. We learn at the conclusion of this exercise that Adam could
not find a suitable companion for himself.
He is left wondering where is his counterpart; his completion.
Obviously, the reason was that while animals had bodies with
many similarities, they did not possess the soul and spirit that Adam did; they
were not created in the image of God.
This is what Adam realizes after he studies the animals, he needed
someone like himself. Here is yet
another proof to discredit evolution. We
acknowledge similarities with other species on earth, but none were found like
Adam. Certainly he could not have
recently evolved from them or his body and mind would be essentially that of
the ape or whatever humanoid he would have evolved from. His parents and siblings and others would
have been present and it would seem strange that he couldn’t find much in
common with them. But that he didn’t makes
it clear that Adam was no evolutionists. After he examined the animals; he knows he did not arise from any of these animals.
He realizes that he was of a vastly different sort; at this time he was
the only human on earth. There is sadness
in Adam here as he realizes for the first time that he is alone on the earth.
Why didn’t God make Adam and Eve at the same time? To emphasize the importance and uniqueness of
this relationship. We don’t just hook up
with whoever is interesting and convenient like the animals do. God teaches us that we complement each other
and are built especially suited to fulfill each other’s needs. So the Lord brings her to Adam and her alone
and her for the rest of his life. He
joins them in marriage; they aren’t left to hook up like animals.
Gen 2:23 Then the man said, "This at last is bone
of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called Woman, because she was
taken out of Man." Gen 2:24
Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to
his wife, and they shall become one flesh. Gen 2:25 And the man and his wife were both naked and
were not ashamed.
Like I said earlier God didn’t make Adam and Eve at the same
time so they would just go at it like all the animals. The Lord brings her to him and has a little
ceremony if you will. He explains some
things to them. Yes, here is a gift for
you; this beautiful woman is for you for fulfillment and companionship but
there are some rules. You are not
animals but your relationship with each other carries some responsibilities and
if you aren’t ready for them then don’t ruin someone’s life by marrying
them. Verse 23 reveals that when Adam
sees her he doesn’t just coldly name her woman.
One literal translations put is like this, "At last! This is bone from my bones and flesh from my
flesh.” They say that in the Hebrew
it has the idea of finally; this is what I have been looking for! So what does he do? He finishes his work of naming everything by
giving her a name as well.
Both together are man.
Adam upon seeing her breaks out in celebration of their essential
similarity and union. Here is the Lord
our Creator establishing the institution of marriage, one man, and one woman
together for life; because she completes man.
They were made to complement each other.
All we have to do is look at ourselves to see that a man was not made to
be with another man and the same for women both physically and emotionally.
When people are ignorant or reject the first three chapters of
Genesis, they are ignorant or reject who they are. They have no idea where they came from, how
they are to live or where they are headed but from the earliest chapters of the
Bible these things are carefully and systematically laid out for us so that no
one will have an excuse for not using their sexuality properly or anything else
in life for that matter.
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