1Co 14:23 If, therefore, the whole church comes
together and all speak in tongues, and outsiders or unbelievers enter, will
they not say that you are out of your minds? 1Co 14:24 But if all prophesy, and an unbeliever or
outsider enters, he is convicted by all, he is called to account by all, 1Co
14:25 the secrets of his heart are
disclosed, and so, falling on his face, he will worship God and declare that
God is really among you.
If there is anything crystal clear in chapter 14 of 1
Corinthians, it is that unless you understand the speech of whoever is
preaching or speaking in tongues and are being edified there is nothing
profitable going on. To use this chapter
to justify tongues without an interpreter or “private prayer language” in which
you don’t understand what you are saying is to completely miss Paul’s point it
seems to me. In vss. 14-15 Paul says
plainly that if he doesn’t understand with his mind what he is saying in
tongues, it is unfruitful; he doesn’t make any exceptions; 1Co 14:14 For if I pray in a
tongue, my spirit prays but my mind is unfruitful. 1Co 14:15 What am I to do? I will pray with my spirit,
but I will pray with my mind also; I will sing praise with my spirit, but I
will sing with my mind also.
Vss. 23-25 go on to show that if someone comes into the
service and all he sees is confusion, which in this context is people speaking in
languages he doesn’t understand, he won’t know what is going on and won’t be able
to be edified and glorify God. Instead
he will think everyone has gone insane.
It seems to me that we are justified assuming the same thing in many of
the services of Charismatics in which the very same thing is going on. If they aren’t insane we can at least assume
it isn’t a work of the Holy Spirit but another spirit. I mean, Paul says it himself, how else can
you take these verses?
But it is vss. 24-25 that are even more important. Paul goes on to show why prophecy or the plain
proclamation of the Word of God is much more profitable for everyone including
a lost person who comes into the service.
What these two verses do is remind us what the services are for and it
isn’t emotional hoopla for its own sake.
The clear proclamation of the gospel brings serious reflection of the
state of one’s soul, conviction, repentance and proper worship and service of
God. This is to be the goal of what we
do in the services. Anything that doesn’t
produce that is unfruitful.
And I would add that it isn’t just those that practice
tongues that fail here. Many use music
and entertainment and even preaching in the very same way. I have seen services where no one was
speaking in tongues but the music had them dancing in the aisle and in an
emotional state that had nothing to do with the truth of the Word of God. Unfortunately I have seen preaching that
accomplished a similar state. I remember
a preacher who had a big name in Fundamentalism preaching for us at a chapel
service in college. He began by quoting
Ecc. 12:13, closed his Bible and never referred to it again and proceeded to
tell us story after story, joke after joke along with other antics that brought
no conviction of sin or any exposition of any text at all. It did have everyone laughing and was a nice
break from our classes, but preaching it was not. I remember a seminary student I knew telling me afterward that he literally had tears of sadness rolling down his face as he
witnessed the spectacle. My point is
that there are many ways to fail to edify God’s people and honor the Lord in
our services and the one thing they have in common is to make light of or
ignore biblical exposition.
The last part of vs. 25 seems to be important in this
discussion, 1Co 14:25 the secrets of his heart are disclosed, and
so, falling on his face, he will worship
God and declare that God is really among you. Again, the implication would be that if there
is confusion and no edification, there is no proof that God is among us. The Holy Spirit works through the preaching
of the Word of God in the language of those who are present. Proof of his presence is the understanding
and application of the Truth.
Should not our goal in our services be to see the manifestation
of the Holy Spirit? Where ever we read
of the fruit of the Spirit it is always understanding and holiness, not
emotional hoopla. 1Co 14:26 What then, brothers? When you come together,
each one has a hymn, a lesson, a revelation, a tongue, or an interpretation.
Let all things be done for building up. 1Co 14:33 For God is not a God of confusion but of
peace. 1Co 14:40 But all things should be done decently and in